FAR CRY 3 is
an open world first person shooter video game developed by Ubisoft
Montreal in conjunction with Ubisoft Massive, Ubisoft Red Storm, Ubisoft
Reflections, and Ubisoft Shanghai and published by Ubisoft for
Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Far Cry 3 is an open
world first-person shooter, which also features role playing game
elements including experience points, skill trees, and a crafting system.
The player has the ability to take cover behind objects to break
enemies lines of sight and also to peek around and over cover and
blindfire. The player also has the ability to perform silent "takedowns"
by performing melee attacks from above, below, or close behind. The
game's narrative director, Jason Vandenberghe, said that the story mode
map is around ten times larger than in the game's previous installments,
indicating that it is still an open world sandbox game. Players are
given the ability to survey and plan out their attacks with stealth
takedown combinations and also tag enemies with your camera in order to
track their movement once they break the player's line of sight.
Brody is on vacation with a group of friends on a tropical island in
the Pacific, they are Free falling from a helicopter when they land in
different spots on a Pirate ravaged island when they are taken prisoner
by a pirate lord named Vaas. Vaas plans to extort ransom money
from their parents, then sell them into slavery. Jason breaks out of
captivity, but his brother is killed in the escape. Jason is rescued by
the Rakyat, the island natives who suffer under the boot of the pirates.
The leader of the Rakyat, a priestess named Citra, initiates Jason into
their tribe and he is given warrior tattoos. He runs a series of
missions where he rescues his captive friends one by one whilst
simultaneously helping the Rakyat retake their island, helped at times
by Dr. Earnhardt, a man who is an expert on fungi and various native
remedies and drugs. Throughout the adventure, Jason matures into a
fearsome warrior and is revered by the Rakyat, though his old friends
are disturbed by his transformation into a killer, especially when he
contemplates staying on the island permanently.
After tracking down and killing Vaas, Jason then moves on to the southern island, which is controlled by Hoyt Volker, a slave trader
and Vaas' employer, swearing to Citra that he will kill Hoyt for what
he did to both the islanders and her brother. After Jason kills Hoyt and
rescues his last companion, he returns to find the house his friends
were in burning in fire. He looks for survivors and finds Dr. Earnhardt
lying in a patio mortally wounded. He tells Jason before dying that he
tried to save Jason's friends but they were taken by Citra and her
warriors back to the temple. He returns to Citra to find that she has
taken his friends captive. She has become absolutely enamored with him,
seeing him as the reincarnation of the Rakyat's mythical warrior
ancestor. The player must then choose whether to execute his friends and
remain with Citra or save them and leave the island.
the player chooses to save Jason's friends, Jason cuts down the ropes
that his friends were tied on and rescues them. Citra attempts to
convince Jason to stay by claiming his friends will move on, and that he
should stay in the jungle and become king. Jason states that the
violence is done and that there will be no more blood. Dennis arrives
claiming that Citra saved him and the other followers. He attempts to
kill Jason for betraying Citra, but Citra moves in front of Jason and is
stabbed, mortally wounding her. Citra tells Jason she loves him and
begs him to not leave before she dies, with Jason saying he is sorry.
Soon, Jason and his friends leave the island by boat. Jason narrates
that he can't come back from what he has done, as he believes he's a
monster and feels the anger inside him, though he also believes that
there is still somewhere inside him that's more and better than that. If
the player chooses to join Citra, Jason executes his friends and has
sex with Citra. Just after it, Citra stabs him, saying that their child
will lead the tribe, and that he dies as the warrior he has become.
System= Intel Core 2 Duo CPU 2.0 GHz
Video Memory= 512 MB
OS= Windows XP (SP3), Windows 7
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7. Run 'Setup.exe'.
8. Copy over the cracked content from the Crack dir to your installbin
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9. Start the game from Desktop.
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