FAR CRY 3 is an open world first person shooter video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal in conjunction with Ubisoft Massive, Ubisoft Red Storm, Ubisoft Reflections, and Ubisoft Shanghai and published by Ubisoft for Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Far Cry 3 is an open world first-person shooter, which also features role playing game elements including experience points, skill trees, and a crafting system. The player has the ability to take cover behind objects to break enemies lines of sight and also to peek around and over cover and blindfire. The player also has the ability to perform silent "takedowns" by performing melee attacks from above, below, or close behind. The game's narrative director, Jason Vandenberghe, said that the story mode map is around ten times larger than in the game's previous installments, indicating that it is still an open world sandbox game. Players are given the ability to survey and plan out their attacks with stealth takedown combinations and also tag enemies with your camera in order to track their movement once they break the player's line of sight.
System= Intel Core 2 Duo CPU 2.0 GHz
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4. Copy Every Links & Paste in your Browser & Download All RAR Files.
5. Unrar Downloaded Files.
6. Mount or Burn.
7. Run 'Setup.exe'.
8. Copy over the cracked content from the Crack dir to your installbin dir,
overwriting any existing files
9. Start the game from Desktop.
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Click here to Download Update v1.02 (Deluxe Edition DLC) for FAR CRY 3.
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Click here to Download Update v1.03 for FAR CRY 3.
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Click here to Download Update v1.04 for FAR CRY 3.